How to Find LinkedIn Profiles Using Google: 2 Effective Ways

In this post, we’re excited to unveil the lifehacks for your marketing campaign using LinkedIn accounts. So, let’s go!

It’s no secret that LinkedIn profiles are among the most searched pieces of information on the web. Taking into account the worth that this networking platform brings to its audience, this is no wonder. Whatever walk of life you come from, most probably, you have searched several LinkedIn profiles on Google. In other cases, you won’t be interested in this post 🙂

As you know, all site pages get indexed by Google, and LinkedIn is no exception. This means that you can come across Linkedin accounts on Google. But it’s not enough to just know that Linkedin profiles can be found in the search results. You also need to understand the right approach - how to search for them in the right way. In this post, we offer you 2 easy methods for finding information from Linkedin on Google. 

How Can I Find a LinkedIn Account Using Google?

If this is something you’re looking for, read the rest of this post for answers. We have prepared two different strategies to follow to get the same results. What makes these approaches special is that they don’t require a lot of time from you. They are super quick and effective. You can take choose and follow the step that best suits you in your efforts to find LinkedIn data on Google. 

Step #1: Google the Name of the Specific Person

It has become common knowledge that almost every businessman or sales representative has a LinkedIn profile. In fact, nowadays, meeting a person who doesn’t have a LinkedIn account is something out of science fiction, and this makes your search even more relevant. The easiest way to find a LinkedIn profile is to google the name of the person you’re interested in. Just type the name in the search field and analyze the results!

Step #2: Take Advantage of Boolean Operators

In layman’s language, Boolean operators are a set of commands from programming languages that can be used in search engines, databases, or online catalogs. Boolean expressions offer useful opportunities to combine phrases and words to either expand or narrow down your search. 

The most popular Boolean commands are: AND, OR, and NOT. There are more of them, but these are the most effective ones. All Boolean commands have different meanings. 

For example, AND narrows the search. It requires both search keywords to be present in the Google results. If one term is there in the results and the other is not, the LinkedIn page with just one keyword is not included in the results. 

Example: A search on stock market AND trading contains: stock market trading; trading on the stock market; and trading on the early morning stock market.

OR is used to broaden the search. This command means that either search keyword (or both) will be in the returned search results. 

How Do I Process Google Search Results?

So, now you did the search on Google and found tons of information. What’s next? How to process it? How to use these details to generate leads? Either you are a marketer or a salesperson, this section of the post can be helpful for you in your work.

Our big piece of advice is to consider using scrapers for data mining that have proven to be great lifesavers! These are online services for scraping emails from Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Maps, and other available sources of information and then storing them in a spreadsheet or other system (e.g., CRM) for accounting your prospects. Also, we recommend using the tools for data scraping as they not only let you collect emails but also other key data on your leads.

The precious information you might want to know is company details, position, job title, phone number, birthdate, gender, marital status, education background, skills, and more. With these important facts on your hands, you are sure to achieve success when approaching your target audience.

Downsides of Using Google to Search For LinkedIn Accounts

The biggest weak spot of using Google search for LinkedIn profiles is the absence of decent filtering. Even though Boolean operators are helpful, their opportunities are not that powerful. Unfortunately, they can’t do the filtering on the specific moments, such as company size, years of experience in the field, major skills, educational background, and other key criteria. That’s why a native sales navigator by LinkedIn is crucial for building a qualified lead database.

To Sum Up

As a result of the limit on the number of searches that LinkedIn imposes on its users, it’s hard for marketing and sales professionals to search for people and collect information on leads on a massive scale. As a workaround, many people have taken to using Google for looking up LinkedIn profiles instead. This method has proven to be productive. However, for more accurate and verified results, the LinkedIn Sales Navigator is recommended.


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