Best Templates of Sales and Marketing Funnels for Your Business

In this post, we’re excited to present a collection of high-converting templates we’ve gathered for your sales and marketing efforts. So, feel free to apply them in your strategies as a source for creating your funnels. 

1. Promotion template

This promo funnel structure comes may be useful in the following situations: 

  • if you want to spark motivation to buy your products among people who aren’t interested in your brand yet 
  • If you would like to make your existing clients buy more from you 

You can design your funnel with a catch — something free, small, and attractive to grab the target audience’s attention. This can be a free trial period, a gift in a giveaway, a free monthly subscription to a basic plan, product sample, you name it! Let your imagination run wild on this topic.

After your prospects take this bait, it’s the right time to follow them up with upselling. You can approach them with an offer they won’t be able to refuse. For example, offer a cool personal discount and explain the amazing value of the product they’re going to gain.

If you are just starting your business and don’t have a big budget to launch paid ads for promoting your brand, you may want to go for alternatives such as a promo landing page or social network campaigns.

2. Lead magnet

Generating leads can be daunting at times. If your business uses the inbound marketing (a strategic approach of crafting relevant content that meets the demands of your target audiences and creates lasting, meaningful, and loyal relationships with customers), a lead magnet funnel can be extremely helpful.

Firstly, you need to think what can be offered to your potential customers for free. Consider opening access to an important guide, webinar, case study, white paper, free consultation with a specialist, or even send them a book or some other gift by post in exchange for their email address, phone number and other bits of contact information.

As soon as your leads provide their emails, send them a “Thank you” message with a gift inside. Now, thanks to this strategy, you have a base of prospects you can further nurture with email drip campaigns, valuable content, and special offers.

3. Product launch

Lead magnets are also a great way to promote the product you’ve just launched. You may want to start your sales funnel with an opt-in form that will offer your leads valuable promo content, e.g., an email with a promo video inside in return for prospect’s contact info.

The next stage of the funnel would be a sequence of educational videos with really valuable information about your service and amazing benefits it will bring to its users. Be sure that these videos contain HIGH-QUALITY, RELEVANT content. Otherwise, it will be just spamming.

This approach will help you create strong relations with your target audience and take your communication to the level where leads trust you and want to make a purchase.

4. Webinar

Let’s face it, webinars are a real pot of gold for sales reps and marketing specialists, as they can engage the potential customers on a deep level and have integrated advertising. How exactly can you sell through webinars? It’s a piece of cake!

First of all, take care of the sign-up page where people will register for a webinar. To attend the meeting, they will need to provide their contact details. After that, you call them or send a confirmation message.

Next, you run a webinar where you showcase your expertise in the niche, as well as promote products and services offered by your company. As a rule, a webinar includes a presentation followed by a Questions & Answers session. Using a webinar session, you can connect with your potential customers directly as you speak. This is way more productive compared to the impersonal, automated email sequence strategy that a lead can easily mark as spam. This opportunity to be in touch with your potential customers allows selling in a more effective way.

On top of that, after the webinar ends, you can forward the recording to all those people who subscribed to it. In this email, you can include your sales pitch. If the offering is good enough, they will hardly refuse it.

5. Product demo

As they say, it's better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times. When it comes to sales funnels, this proverb is 100% true.

A live product demo can be an extremely effective tool in your arsenal. Face-to-face video conferences via Zoom where sales reps show things from the shared screen have a strong impact on the potential customers. To begin with, this is because leads love to see what they purchase before they commit, and a product demo is one way for sales experts to show the advantages of their solution, so that at the end of it the person is buzzing with the excitement to make a purchase. Also, it’s harder for people to refuse the offer when they speak to a sales representative face-to-face and know how much time and effort was invested in the product demo by the company.

6. Tripwire funnel

A tripwire funnel is a simple, yet powerful marketing approach that attracts people to make a small purchase and then entice them to make larger purchases in the future. The first product usually costs next to nothing (the price can be in the range of $5-$50), but its quality should be excellent.

By creating this irresistible offer, you’re able to convert leads into customers. And once they are in the sales funnel, you can upsell, downsell, and use other strategies.

As soon as your lead makes a first purchase, you follow up with the next step: a core offer. This can be a time-limited offer for a product or service at a higher price (typically, in the range of $499+). You can send customers this sales pitch of a core product straight away after the low-ticket product was bought, or wait 24hrs to activate an email campaign.

Even if a person isn’t caught on the hook and doesn’t buy the expensive product, there’s still good news: you have the customer’s contact details, such as a phone number, email address, etc.!

7. Social networks + emails

What can be better than promoting yourself on social media? Only social media promotion multiplied by an effective email campaign! You can immeasurably increase your company’s sales if you combine the powers of these two channels.

You might want to begin your funnel with a post in your social networks where you’ll invite your subscribers to an online event such as an online conference or a webinar (it was described above how those work!). Besides the post, it’s a good idea to forward invitation emails to your event to all followers of your social media groups. During the event, you can advertise your product and services with ease and then gently push people to the call-to-action page featuring your product and its benefits.

8. Exclusive subscription terms

This funnel template will be a go-to solution for businesses that can afford using a personalized approach to clients. In this case, your sales funnel can begin with a landing page highlighting your product’s unique features. There, your potential customers can choose between 2 scenarios: the first is to sign up for your product by sharing their contact information (and automatically becoming a part of your user base) and the second is to visit the page with prices.

On the Pricing page, it’s worth putting several subscription options against each to compare and offer prospects a personalized subscription variant based on the number of contacts they provide (email, phone, social media accounts, and so on, the more contacts, the smaller the price). As the result, you’ll offer users an opportunity to save their budgets, thus boosting the probability of making them your paying users.

Also, you may want to offer your prospects an exclusive pricing plan according to their specific needs. There’s no need to point out a fixed price for a plan. Rather, you can offer to schedule a call, discuss the lead’s situations and demands, and then come up with a custom subscription terms. Believe, it will hard to turn down that one.

9. Customer exit

What to do if your customer is about to leave? How to prevent them from doing that? The customer retention tactic is at your service. To prevent users from cancelling their subscription, make use of an exit survey page (also known as customer cancellation survey) to discover customers’ reasons for leaving you and collecting valuable feedback that will improve your business in terms of processes, systems, features, and other important aspects. The weaknesses outlined in the survey can become your points of growth.

Tip: At the end of the survey, include a discount on the user’s current plan, gifts, bonuses, vouchers, premium functionality or other cool perks within your system. It will be your way to say: “We hate to see you go. Please, stay!”

10. One-time offer

Psychology claims that people perceive scarce things as highly valuable. And there have been consistent proofs for that in marketing! A one-time offer strategy is one of the examples.

When shopping online, it’s very likely that you stumbled across a surprise offer that said: “Buy this item now with 50% OFF! Offer is valid only for 24 hours!”

Probably, it was hard to resist if the discount was on the thing you were considering for a purchase. And you went for it.

So, this is a classic case of a one-time offer (OTO) sales funnel template.

When planning sales funnels, one of the highest-converting techniques is to take advantage of FOMO, which stands for “Fear Of Missing Out.” This one works great for time-limited promotions, when a person can access things only once within a short period of time. After that, a possibility is gone. In other words, OTO is an offer that your clients can’t normally access on your website, but have a chance to grab it at the particular moment of time. More often than not, these offers are hard to miss out.

However, simply restricting the time and running a promotion doesn’t make it an OTO. The key aspect of an OTO is picking the right product to put on the sale.

For example, if is a girl visits your online shop in search of mascara, offering her a dress won’t be relevant, even if you approach her with a huge discount. The conversion rate is going to be low. Instead, you can offer an item from the similar category, for example, eye shadows to fit the mascara choice.


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