5 Lifehacks to Make Your Email Marketing More Effective

Have you come to a dead end with your email marketing? Are your conversion rates not what you were striving for?

With the today’s digital landscape of non-stop engagement with content, a user’s attention is harder to catch than ever before. Having this in mind, it’s important to know that email marketing campaigns have proven to have the highest ROI compared to other kinds of marketing in the digital world.

So, if email marketing is so effective, how to go about it? In order to hit it big with email campaigns, first you need to build a mailing list of loyal users, attract their attention, and tell them your company’s story in a fascinating way to convert them into paying users.

Naturally, mastering the impactful tool of email marketing doesn’t happen at the blink of an eye. Every company needs to find their own voice and tone to speak with their audience. Sincere communication with your community is highly significant, along with a few easy lifehacks to give you a competitive edge. The 5 tips and tricks we’re going to focus on in this article will help you achieve success on your path to effective email marketing campaigns. Read on and enjoy!

1. Take Advantage of Drip Campaigns to Turn Leads to Paying Users

If it’s the first time you hear about drip campaigns, you got behind the times with your email marketing strategy! They’re among those best practices that are sure to bring new subscribers, attract their interest, and make them paying clients.

Drip campaigns are designed to create a customer journey from the time users subscribe to your newsletters to the point when they make a purchase. After that, you can maintain their interest in your brand, offer new products and services to them, and keep them loyal to your company.

A drip campaign can be set up in an automatic mode. In this case, newsletters will be sent out automatically within a specific timeframe based on the date the customer subscribes to your mailing list. Step by step, you send subscribers drips (= emails) to bring them closer to your brand and convert them into a loyal, paying customer. Think of this method as a funnel, with the biggest part of this funnel being users who have just subscribed to your brand’s emails without buying anything.

As you progress in the funnel, you slowly give your leads more details about your organization, products, services, useful info, and, of course, advantages of buying things from you. This will take them little by little to the aim of the funnel. This final point of the funnel is when your potential customers decide to actually buy something that your company offers. 

The goal of a drip campaign is to gently push leads to make a purchase decision without feeling pressure. Aggressive sales methods are a big no-no here. Hard selling is outdated and no longer works. If you would like to turn cold leads into customers, you need to make them your friends. Drip campaigns are a wonderful tool to achieve this.

2. Use Special Offers to Build Your Mailing List

There’s no faster way to grow your subscriber base than by offering something special, such as a gift, treat, or discount. For example, you can offer a sign-up discount to those who subscribe to your brand’s emails for the first time. When a user visits your site, you can show a pop-up offering a discount in exchange for a subscription of this person to your mailing list.

When a person goes online, the digital world can seem overwhelming, there’s lots of content, that’s why the moment you catch a user’s attention is extremely short and precious. Make use of this period and offer something valuable to the person.

3. Nurture a Feeling of Community and Exclusivity

Building community is the root of the matter when you start improving your email marketing campaigns. Getting yourself an email subscriber who likes shopping online is hard, but keeping this person as a loyal regular customer is even harder.

One method to keep your users engaged is to offer exclusive goodies as a thank you for being on the mailing list.

When people sign up to your newsletters, announce that this way they get access to exclusive perks and secret sales for valuable things. This gives your email base real value in exchange for being a part of your brand’s community. But be sure to keep the promises! Don’t drop this method halfway, keep on providing perks on a regular basis, so that your subscribers don’t feel they are being deceived.

4. Create Newsletters that Stand Out from the Crowd

If you’re creating a Christmas special offer email in early December with gift ideas and bonuses, you’re wasting your time. Most probably, your subscribers will open their inbox and see your newsletter buried along with a ton of other similarly named offers. They are all likely to go directly to the spam folder.

Your biggest challenge when creating a successful email marketing strategy is to stick out of the crowd. Keep in mind that you market things to people in the digital age: they consume hundreds of images and videos, read dozens of articles, and see thousands of ads online every day. Therefore, you need to be creative about your email marketing. If there’s something special about your brand, products, and services, don’t hesitate to share it with your user base! Be noticeably different from your competitors.

So, before you decide to send out your newsletter, ask yourself: will it be interesting to your subscribers? Will they want to keep it? Or maybe they will want to delete this email? Or worse… Unsubscribe? Make sure your email will bring value and won’t drown in the ocean of the digital noise.

5. Be Mobile Friendly

More than 8o% of newsletters that are opened today are read on mobile devices. If your newsletter has issues when it’s viewed on a smartphone, this is a big disadvantage for your business. Test your emails on your mobile devices, PC, and tablets before sending them to clients. Make sure your email looks great on all devices. You may even want to configure different display settings depending on the device. 

Because today people are always on the go and prefer checking inboxes on their smartphones, it’s a good idea to optimize your newsletters with a mobile-friendly email template. This will allow you to create a convenient experience for your user base.

There are also a few lifehacks for your emails to be successful on mobiles. The preheader line is more visible if an email is viewed on a smartphone. So, it’s as important as a subject line. Be creative when writing this piece of text, as it can be very effective in your marketing efforts. 

What Are You Waiting For? Create Better Emails Today

We hope these small tips and tricks will help you on your path to success through improving your email marketing campaigns. Email campaigns can become your big ally and the most effective marketing tool if applied wisely.


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